P R O J E C T LAB srl
pomigliano d'arco
N O L A | t o r i n o
m   o   d   e   n   a  

Project LAB is a young and dynamic company born from the idea of integrating engineering, research, design and architectural in a single LAB, hence its name. Project LAB thanks to its staff of many years of experience and the collaboration of established professionals presents itself as the ideal partner for companies in the automotive, railway, nautical and aeronautical sector.
The company makes use of specialized software, specifically Unigraphics Nx; TeamCenter; VisMockup; and Catia V5; and the best equipment in order to follow all work phases from design to fast prototyping.
Mechanical and Industrial Design.
Feasibility study, process analysis and management of the production process through the aid of CAD tools in the Automotive sector: body, internal and external finishes, floor, suspensions.
IT & Electronic
Software & Hardware based solution for Rfid Technology and implementation of home automation systems.
Send us your info and join our team
Pomigliano D'Arco(NA)
Via Luraghi snc - Consorzio il Sole
Marzano di Nola
Via Nazionale 83020
Strada del Drosso 33/8
Viale Virgilio 58/C